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Yoga at Home


Meditating helps us connect with deep parts of our being and gives us a rest for the mind and spirit. I will guide you through the process using various sounds in combination with musical instruments to achieve a state of deep connection. 



Sometimes we just need to close our eyes, connect and feel. It sounds little, but the connection with the Universe is much more than we imagine. I share this meditation that I decided to name as "Universe".



Take a deep breath and relax. I will guide you during this meditation with my voice, listening at the same time to the mixture of sounds made with wood and together we will achieve great tranquility.



Meditating helps us connect with deep parts of our being and gives us a rest for the mind and spirit. I share with you the “Desert” meditation where I use sounds from the desert in combination with musical instruments to help you connect your inner self.



Have you meditated today? Let me help you connect with yourself, take a deep breath and relax. I will guide you during this meditation with my voice, listening at the same time to the mixture of sounds made with wood and together we will achieve great tranquility.


Mexican Institute of Interdisciplinary Music Therapy IMMI 
Jimena Hummingbird Blue

Artistic Recording Studio

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